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Ali bin Gazim
Jaime and the King - Ali bin Gazim
Played by Robert Loggia
Occupation monarch
BW Jaime and the King

Ali Ben Gazim is the King of Almain, a Persian Gulf nation.

In "Jaime and the King", the Secretary of State of the US fears that there might be an attempt on the life on the King if the King supports the US's position on the price of oil. Jaime Sommers is assigned to Monte Carlo to tutor Prince Ishmail, in order to protect the King from assassins.

Jaime is bewildered by the low status of women in the palace, particularly the many wives, concubines, and dancing girls of Gazim. She is not respected by the Prince either. Will skills and a care heart, Jaime finally wins the trust of Prince Ishmail.

With the aid of Ishmail, Jaime halts an assassination attempt on Gazim. They unveil high government official Hassan as the mastermind behind the plans to kill Gazim and to take over control of the nation.

As a gesture of thanks to Jaime, Gazim instructs his wives to conduct themselves with dignity and no longer convey subservience.
